How to Quit Using Marijuana

Marijuana treatment

In Ancient China cannabis seeds were used as a food source as early as 6000 B.C., and cannabis was used as a medicinal drug as in 2737 B.C. by Chinese emperor Shen Nung, to treat gout and rheumatism. Today, marijuana is best known as a recreational drug, and is illegal in most jurisdictions around the world. Though people argue about the addictive properties of marijuana, there is no denying that marijuana abuse occurs in the United States. However, marijuana dependence, like dependence on any other drug, is beatable.

Interestingly, early drafts of the Declaration of Independence were actually written on paper made from hemp, which is a byproduct of marijuana. In 2014, however, marijuana is classified as a controlled substance under federal law, although 13 states do allow medical marijuana use and several others are just starting to allow recreational use.

Cannabis withdrawal symptoms are generally much more mild than withdrawal symptoms for other drugs like heroin, cocaine, or cigarettes. Typically, cannabis withdrawal symptoms include discomfort, restlessness, inability to focus, and cravings. The latter is generally the most common symptom reported by former marijuana smokers in their first few days of abstinence. One of the best things about quitting marijuana, however, is that the withdrawal symptoms generally only last a couple of days.

A Duke University study of 496 adult marijuana smokers who tried to quit found that 95.5% experienced at least one withdrawal symptom; 43.1% experienced more than one symptom. Quitting cannabis is very possible, but it helps to surround yourself with non-smokers. Find an alternative hobby, and put your mind to use on things other than smoking marijuana. You might just find that living without pot is much better than living with it. Cannabis addiction treatments exist so that people can stop smoking pot, and it is always possible to stop smoking pot.

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